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What is a Computer?

Computer와 Calculator의 가장 큰 차이점.

Computer는 Programming language를 이용하여 기존의 operation(명령어)들을 통해 새로운 operation들을 정의하고 이를 수행할 수 있다. 동시에, 이렇게 새롭게 추가된 operation들을 또 기존의 opeation들과 함께 조합하여 새로운 operation을 만들 수 있다. 새로운 operation을 추가할 수 있다는 점이 calculator 와의 가장 중요한 차이이다.

The most important difference between a computer and an old-fashioned calculator is that you can “teach” a computer new operations by defining them in terms of old ones.

즉, Computer 를 제대로 활용하기 위해서는 programming languagecomputer의 기본 원리 를 알아야 함 (본인이 원하는 작업을 computer에게 효율적으로 지시하기 위해서임.).

Computer 의 응용분야

Computers have completely changed how we work and live. They are now a necessary tool in practically every fields, speeding up and enhancing the efficiency of numerous operations. In the healthcare industry, computers are employed for patient record-keeping and analysis. Computers are used in education for teaching, communication, and research.

Medical field에서의 Computer 의 역할

Computers have played a significant role in the medical field, improving the overall quality of patient care.
One of the most important ways computers are used in healthcare is through patient record-keeping. Electronic health records (EHRs) have revolutionized how medical professionals store and access patient information, making it easier to track patient history, monitor progress, and make informed decisions about treatment options. EHRs also provide a more efficient way of sharing patient information among healthcare providers, ensuring that medical professionals have access to necessary information in real-time.
Computers are also used for medical analysis, allowing medical professionals to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately.
For instance, medical imaging devices like X-rays, CT, PET, and MRIs provide enormous volumes of data ranging from 2D to 4D that may be processed using specialist software to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders.
Additionally, computers are used for medical research
Computers allow scientists and medical professionals to analyze data from multiple sources to identify patterns and trends. This type of research can lead to new treatments, medications, and technologies that can improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

Overall, computers have had a significant impact on the medical field,

  • improving the accuracy and efficiency of patient care,
  • facilitating medical research, and
  • helping medical professionals make more informed decisions about treatment options.

What you learn from this lecture

This course teaches you

  • how to use computers to carry out tasks you describe, as well as
  • the necessary prerequisites.

In this lecture, keep in mind that many of the explanations are simplified and not entirely accurate in every detail. Including every detail would create distracting complexity, so perfect accuracy has been sacrificed in favor of clarity.

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